UNSMIL notes the work of the HOR-HCS 6+6 Committee, which met from 22 May to 6 June 2023 in Bouznique, Kingdom of Morocco, assembled. for the development of the electoral regulation project for the presidential and parliamentary elections. The Mission commends the efforts of the 6+6 Committee and thanks the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco for hosting the Committee. UNSMIL recognizes that important elements of electoral law and related issues require the consent and support of a wide range of Libyan institutions, civil society representatives, including women and youth, and political and security actors in order to facilitate inclusive, credible and successful elections. take place. In this regard, the Mission will continue to work with all relevant Libyan institutions, including the Presidential Council, to enable an inclusive process to address the contentious elements of the electoral framework, ensure the necessary political agreement on the conduct of the elections and ensure a level playing field for all contestants UNSMIL urges all Libyan actors to work in a spirit of compromise to resolve all outstanding issues and create a safer and more conducive environment for the 2023 elections. The mission calls on all actors not to delay maneuvers aimed at prolonging the standoff that has caused so much suffering to the Libyan people. In accordance with its mandate, UNSMIL reaffirms its commitment to transparent, inclusive and credible elections in order to allow the Libyan people to freely choose their representatives and to renew the legitimacy of the country’s institutions.